Did you know, 95% of the work done at Harvest House is carried out by volunteers? Want to join our family and give your time to Harvest House? You can serve in a variety of ways!
Volunteer at the Baby and Children's Ministry- sorting clothing and hanging clothes
Volunteer at New Hope Education Center- tutoring
Volunteer at Good Neighbors Health Care- reception, providing medical, dental, counseling and spiritual care, etc.
Have a specific skill or talent? Let us know how you would like to use your time.
Contact Bridget at (716) 855-0654 ext: 230 or bookkeeper@harvesthousebuffalo.org
Baby & Children's Ministry:
Volunteer opportunities are available Monday through Friday between
9 am - 4 pm
For more information or to volunteer, contact Baby & Children's Ministry at
(716) 824-7818 ext: 214 or email below
Mirtha Carmona, BCM Program Director mcarmona@harvesthousebuffalo.org
Angelina Bruno, BCM Assistant abruno@harvesthousebuffalo.org
New Hope Education Center
For more information or to volunteer, call Josiah at
(716) 855-0654 ext: 211
or email at
Good Neighbors Health Care
Medical Volunteers are needed:
Providers (Doctors, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners)
Dentists, Dental Assistants, Dental Hygienists
Nurses and Medical Assistants
Counselors and Social Workers
For more information or to volunteer, email Joy at goodneighbors@harvesthousebuffalo.org
Especially needed Volunteers:
-Dental Hygienist every other Wednesday 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
-Dental assistants
-Dental receptionist